Saturday, October 27, 2007

Day with the Grizzlies: date change and exciting info

I spoke with Ms. Burnett, and Alcott had a change in MEAP scheduling. They have a test the week of the 8th. So we rescheduled for 11/15, the folllowing Thursday. I called the Provost's Office, and he can still attend. I also called several other individuals we have contacted and will finish those calls on Monday since some folks were gone for the day when I found out yesterday.

The exciting information: the bus is FREE! If the trip is within certain mileage and certain times, it is free. We just learned our campus and our plan meet both criteria, so FREE bussing for the kids.

Finally, I have started making requests for money to pay for the children to have lunch on campus. I will let you know how that goes.

So some changes, but all for the good. We have another week to plan; it's a better time for Alcott; and the finances are smoothing out.


Angela Shamus said...

This is very exiting news! I'm looking foward in meeting the Alott students.

Ryan Byrnes said...

that is great that will help us a lot!

Abby B. said...

I am looking forward to meeting the students from Alcott Elementary. They are all probably really excited. I am also that that the transportation is free for the students so that they are all able to participate. Also, once we get started I think that the funding will be fine and everyone will want to help out as much as they can. I cannot wait to help! :)

Rob Hutchinson said...

That sure helps us out, and them as well. Should save us some time and make this event better than expected.

jozzy gurl said...

Im looking foward to the children coming to OU.

Tiff said...

It good that it is changed now we have more time to plan the day out for the children

Nicole's Blog said...

Sounds like things are going great, and it sounds like things are going to go well for the kids to come to our campus

Reggie P said...

these are good news.