Friday, November 9, 2007

And the lunch verdict isssssss.....

We have FUNDING! The lunch costs are higher than predicted, and I was worried. But the Provost values what you are doing (what you will learn and how it contributes to the community) so highly that he has agreed to fund the entire meal for the kids. (We still need to get our own ;) )

We will, of course, need to send a great big thank you. AND we will need to write a formal explanation of how the money was used, why, and what learning outcomes and benefits you all gained.


Robbie V said...

Wow that is really good. It seems that there should be nothing to worry about everything should flow really well. Everything seems to fall in place when you are doing something to better others

Ryan E said...

I am just nervous to see how the kids are going to react to the college setting.

Charlene said...

That's nice of them!

Abby B. said...

Wow that is great! That is a lot of money to fund but I am excited. The kids are going to have such a hard time trying to find what they want and picking between everything. I am nervous about that but I am sure everything will turn out okay.

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