Monday, November 12, 2007

Abstract Assessment form

Abstract Assessment

To achieve a 2.0 to 2.9, an abstract must meet the following criteria:
A. Content and Organization
1. The abstract must have an introduction that
a. states the author(s) full name(s);
b. puts the title of the original text in quotation marks;
c. gives the source if necessary;
d. summarizes the thesis of the original text;
e. presents background information that puts the text in context.
2. Body for the abstract should
a. accurately reflect the main ideas of the original;
b. include the main points;
c. be brief, leaving out concrete detail;
d. not use more than three words in a row without quotation marks;
e. not include any personal reaction, opinion, or judgment.
B. Punctuation and Format
1. The abstract is reasonably free of distracting punctuation errors—fragments, comma spices, run-ons.
2. The abstract is reasonably free of distracting spelling and usage errors.
3. It follows the correct format, including an MLA citation for the original text.
4. It is approximately 75-150 words.
The abstract achieves these goals: _____yes _____partly ______no

To achieve a 3.0 to 3.4, the abstract must also meet the following criteria:
1. The abstract is outstanding in comprehension of the original text.
2. Each sentence follows logically from the one that comes before it.
3. The words substituted for the originals make sense although some awkwardness may exist.
4. The abstract maintains present tense consistently.
The abstract achieves these goals: _____yes _____partly ______no

To achieve a 3.5 to 4.0, the abstract must also meet the following criteria:
1. Someone who has not read the original text would understand the abstract easily.
2. The sentence structures are varied, and the language and ideas flow from sentence to sentence.
3. When finding new ways to express original ideas, the abstract writer has avoided clumsy sentences and awkward language usage.
4. The ideas in the original text have been reorganized to make the abstract easier to understand.
The abstract achieves these goals: _____yes _____partly ______no

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