Friday, September 7, 2007

Summer 2007 Syllabus: contact information, course description/objectives

Basic Writing
RHT 102
Oakland University
Fall 2007

Special Lecturer: Ms. Suzanne Drapeau
Office Hours: T/H 12-1.
Office: 306 Wilson Hall
Office Phone: (248) 370-2103
RCJ Dept. Office/Mailboxes: 317 WH
RCJ Department Phone: (248) 370-4120
RCJ Department Fax: (248) 370-4208

Section: 44244
Time: T/H 10-11:50
Location: 370 SFH


Course Description
Designed to prepare students for college-level writing, Rht 102 provides opportunities to develop confidence, competence, and fluency through practice in reading and writing processes. The course introduces reading and comprehension strategies, demonstrates paragraph and essay structures, and spotlights sentence and punctuation skills.

Required Books: The following title is required and available at Textbook Outlet.
Aaron, Jane. Little Brown Handbook.
We will select a trade text to read by mid semester.

Required Materials: Please keep the following supplies on hand daily.
1. A form of electronic storage for your writing and research.
2. 3M or other plastic tabs.
3. Mini tape recorder and tape.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
-develop critical and analytical reading skills;
-make a connection between reading and writing;
-listen analytically and evaluate ideas presented by others;
-communicate thoughts clearly and effectively in dicscussions, including asking questions at appropriate times;
-understand writing as a process;
-approach a writing task with appropriate writing strategies;
-develop confidence in their ability to accomplish a writing task;
-write complete sentences in the four basic sentence patterns (simple,
compound, complex, and compound-complex);
-develop editing skills (specific punctuation and grammar strategies);
-and appreciate the complex and personal effort involved in the craft of writing.