Thursday, September 20, 2007

Letters to start the Day at College

We need to write the letters inviting the children to campus. There isn't an official date, so we need confirm that as soon as possible. What holidays and staff days does Alcott have? Do we have? Let's make it a Tuesday or Thursday that is early in November, to hopefully avoid snow.

What do you think should be included in these letters?

Dear 5th Graders,

Dear Ms. Burnett:

Dear Dr. Howell: (We also need to contact my department, email is fine, to share our intent and plan...they know, but we need to do it formally.)


Abby B. said...

I am very excited about working with children in our class. Being able to write letters to them and teach them about college and the career that I am going into will be interesting. I am excited to learn about what they think college is and what they have planned for themselves. If they come to visit after we figure out a day that is good for everyone it should be adventurous. We will be able to teach them a lot hopefully and they will maybe have a good plan for their own future.

Angela Shamus said...

I am excited to meet the students. I can't wait to write letters to the children and to see what job career there most interest in. I think it would be alot easier to write the letter once we fine a day that works for everyone and get all the details.

jasmine said...

I think that this is a great opportunity for the 5th graders to come and visit oakland university to get what the college life is really about. Education.

Charlene said...

Im excited that where going to be working with the 5th graders and helping them with any questions they might have about the career they want to go into.

Stephanie said...

I think this will be a great experience. When I was in fifth grade, I know i was not looking at college in the future but, always knew that I always looked up to older kids that were maybe around me. In the letter it would probably be good if we tell how much fun they are going to have when they visit. With each of us adding how excited we are to meet them so the teach or principal can read it to the students.

Reggie P said...

I can't wait to see the kids face when they see college and how it works.

Anonymous said...

I think this will be a great experience for both our class as well at the 5th graders. I think we should do it the first of November which is a Thursday! I am so excited to educate the students about the college experience. I can't wait to see their reaction to how different the college life is. I hope this works out great and we have fun day with the students!

Suzanne M. said...

It will be great!

What words do we use for the letters? We need to write these and send them out.

Please brainstorm words to include for each letter.