Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hey 160 students

As we plan "A Day with the Grizzlies" for Alcott's 5th graders, what kinds of things do you think we should consider? Where should the children visit in order to get a good idea of what college is like? What should we have prepared? How do you want to help?


Anonymous said...

We should show them the library, the OC and maybe a lecture hall type of classroom. You could prepare a lists of activities and clubs that they could join. A group of us could help by taking smaller groups of children on tours of the campus.

Megan b said...

I agree with Kristin. I think that we should divide the children into smaller groups, and have a couple of us be group leaders, and show them around campus. We should take them to each building and stop at important places, like the theatre and what not.

kaclark3 said...

I think we should also divide the children into smaller groups. I think maybe each blog group could have a group and show them different places around campus. We should show them the OC, library, lecture halls, rec center, the theatre and the dorms. I also think that we should should show them what homework is like and maybe give them some different study habits to get ready for college. Also, we could ask them what career they are interested in and show them what types of classes they will have to take. We should also prepare a list of activites and different organizations they could join.