Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Check out this example of adding a quote

This student does a great job of weaving source material (in this case a quote is woven into the paper). Look at the signal phrase that introduces the quote and at how the student interprets what the quote means within his paper. Remember, this is a draft, so the student hasn't finished editing and such.

As I entered college I had no Idea what field to study, or even what I am going to be in the future, and I still don’t. All I know is there is a lot out there to lean. Robert Harris wrote the perfect example in "On the Purpose of a Liberal Arts Education." I still have no idea what I am going to be doing in the future, and as of right now I don’t really care too much. Harris said, “Many students are surprised at the general education classes they must take in order to graduate. They wonder why someone who wants to be an accountant or psychologist or television producer should study subjects that have nothing directly to do with those fields.” For me this is the opposite of the student that I am. I love the fact that I get to study different topics as a slowly make my way through college with no clue of what I will one day be doing. These courses all expand my education and through most of these general fields I can further expand my education.

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